Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Beginning...

Hey guys, it's GuitarSlam,

Well, I've finally decided to make a blog all about the Yugioh tcg. I know that I have my YouTube channel (which myself, tton, Uklazar, and a new guest plan on making videos for again soon) but I really wanted a chance to type out my ideas.

From this blog, you can expect deck lists, tournament reports from my local tournament, and my general thoughts on the Yugioh tcg. I know I'm not the most reliable poster in the world (with my multiple bouts of inactivity on YouTube) but I think that I'll be posting more often here on blogger. I don't have to go through the trouble of making a video and I love to write so a blog seems like the perfect thing for me.

Now don't worry, I still plan on making videos for my YouTube account. This is just going to be a place for people to go to if they want to read some extra details about my decks or find out information about my feelings toward Yugioh. I hope that everyone enjoys this blog :D

See you guys later.


  1. hey guitar slam
    how many of your deck do u have left and which deck r they?

  2. I still have the majority of my cards so I could probably remake any deck I've shown on YouTube.
